What is good value worth to you? To your customers? Is it about a good price? Not necessarily.

Online Value is about return on investment. If you can sell your customers something that is great value to them – something that will be well worth their time and money, and that they will not regret investing in – you are giving them what they truly want.

If you can convince your website visitors that your product/service/newsletter or whatever it is you are selling is truly valuable to them, you can probably convert a lot more visitors than just presenting a product with a price.

Depending on your product or service, you may consider not featuring the price prominently or at all. Of course, this can only be done if you can make a convincing argument about the value you will deliver.

Offer your online visitors or clients real and uncompromising value. This is not based on price, but on what they are getting for that price. It’s a fine line, but it’s an important one.