“Mobilegeddon” has arrived, and with it new ideas about how to make content that is mobile-friendly to help your site out when it comes to ranking in mobile search results.

Today, let’s talk about what you can do with your content to ensure it’s engaging and accessible for mobile users:

1. Make your headlines clear and succinct.

Headlines are always a vital consideration for any content creator – we know they are important in drawing readers in and have a particular effect on how much traffic your content gets.

But they’re even more important for mobile – mobile users may not be able to see images, or the first paragraph of your content, and have to make the decision to click based purely on a headline.

Ensure your headlines tell the reader exactly what they’ll find in the body text, and keep things brief – no lengthy sentences or multiple sentences.

2. Line up the breadcrumbs.

Alongside the host of changes to their mobile search algorithm, Google have also removed URLs from being displayed in mobile search results. Instead, breadcrumbs now appear.

Breadcrumbs are simply the ‘signposts’ that often appear at the top of a webpage showing where you are in relation to an entire site (for example, ‘28K > Blogs > Content Marketing).

This means it’s important to make sure your breadcrumbs are in order. As Google says, “Well-structured URLs offer users a quick hint about the page topic and how the page fits within the website” – vital for mobile.

3. Be a journalist.

Journalists use the inverted pyramid – put the important stuff at the top of your piece! If you’ve got news or an announcement, say it straight off and don’t beat around the bush – or you’ll lose mobile viewers while you get to what you’re trying to say.

4. Short and sweet.

We’ve already talked about short headlines, but you also want to be keeping your content short. Say exactly what you need to, don’t use lengthy run-on sentences, and limit how long your paragraphs are.

Think in the mindset of a mobile user – everything needs to be immediate and easy, because they don’t have the luxury of browsing slowly at a PC. Once you think like that, writing content for mobile becomes much easier.

5. Optimise your call to action.

Sometimes your call-to-action will be filling out a form or asking for someone to download a document – not so easy for mobile-users. Make sure that your call-to-action can be fulfilled by browsers on mobile, not just PC.

Our digital marketing agency provides expertise and solutions for businesses wishing to optimise their site for mobile and improve their mobile search rankings. Get in touch to find out how we can help you.