As of January 2017, there are over 330.6 million registered domain names, this number undoubtedly having grown since. Online content is plentiful, and the competition can be stiff – so how can you increase your website’s visibility?

With the amount of content available online, it is important to market your content effectively to increase brand awareness. The best and perhaps easiest way to do this is to work on your website’s SEO and use social media to support it.


A huge part of boosting SEO and visibility is keyword development. Does your page target a specific searcher intent with the associated keyword phrases? Utilise keywords in page and article titles, and when appropriate, ensure they also appear in the page URL. Try to incorporate relevant keywords seamlessly into your content without them overshadowing what you really have to say – the quality of the content still comes first, and is ultimately what draws the user in. It is challenging but important to find the balance between visibility and compelling content; succeeding online never boils down to just the one factor.

Create quality content

It’s important that you give your readers a reason to stay on your website with engaging and valuable content that is beyond mere brand promotion. Know your audience and understand what they’re interested in and what will make them stick around on your website. Good content not only boosts readership, but is also highly linkable – people will want to share it if what you have to say is compelling.

Use social media

Creating backlinks is important because it shows that your website is authoritative. The first thing to remember is that the content must be valuable, with something that the reader can take away from it. The second thing is to ensure that the URL itself is descriptive, and makes it obvious what the article is about. And finally, utilise hashtags and incorporate keywords to help users find your content. Remember, social media  platforms can be utilised as search engines too (for example Facebook and Twitter), with hashtags helping users navigate their way to the right content. Links shared on social media can often be marked as credible backlinks and may even go as far as to influence a page’s rank. Incorporate social media widgets on your page to encourage sharing from your site.

Image tags

When thinking about SEO, images are often neglected and it’s easy to forget that they too can be used to boost SEO. Just like using keywords in the body of the text, you can fill in the alternate text to make sure that search engines can find your content via this additional channel. This is just another way you can increase your site’s visibility.