The depth and breadth to which metrics can measure is incredible – even free tools are able to gain a wide variety of valuable insights into the behaviour of visitors to your website.

But there’s a next step that can be taken, too. Lead nurturing allows you to take the data you’ve gathered about visitors to your website through analytics and use it to help them take steps to become a customer of your business.


It starts when a visitor to your site takes some sort of action – subscribing to an email list, for example. Thus begins the stock standard marketing campaign, wherein emails are steadily sent to the newly subscribed prospect in the hope of turning them into a customer.

But the fact is that a large proportion of those subscribers aren’t going to be interested in the content you send. They might have the vaguest possible interest in your company, be subscribing for a later date, or be searching out new information and getting closer to engaging with a business’ products or services.

The next step

What lead nurturing, through the recording of data, can do, is measure the interest level of these prospects. If they’re not opening emails, you know about it and can slow down the correspondence from your business so as not to annoy or frustrate them with a barrage of emails and lose them forever.

On the other side of the coin, if they are showing interest in your emails – by clicking through to your website, spending time reading them, or opening multiple emails in succession – you can elevate both the frequency of the email correspondence and the type of correspondence being sent, in order to slowly convert them to a customer.

The end result

With an ideal nurturing process beginning with informing the prospect, moving through engagement and interest, and then to the nitty gritty details of your product or service, you’ve sold to a customer you otherwise may have lost through a stock-standard, one-size-fits-all email marketing approach.