When comparing digital marketing and traditional marketing, one of the things that sets them apart is the power of analytics.

Analytics allows the collection and measurement of data by marketers to help them improve their marketing activities, target prospects better, and enhance campaigns.

In this blog, we’ll go beyond collecting and measuring data to look at how you can use the Google Analytics tool to grow your website visibility.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a web-based tool produced by Google that allows you to track data from your website. It can record information like the number of hits a page receives, the bounce rate from the page, the time individuals spend on the page, and if they navigated to another page on your website from the one they landed on.

It’s useful because it can offer insights into which pages on your site are working, which aren’t and how you might be able to optimise them.

Helping people discover your site

To get people to find your site, it’s useful to begin by seeing where people are coming from in the first place. With Google Analytics, you’re able to see “Traffic Sources” – or how people are getting to your site.

Once you’ve gathered where people are coming from and which platforms are performing best, there’s a number of ways you can optimise your website. It’s wise to put resources into those platforms that already perform well in terms of referral traffic. The best way to do this is with a clear, consistent content plan that involves content regularly being posted to your referring platforms.

You should also be looking at engagement of your landing pages in particular. These are key pages for bringing people into your website – if they’re not performing, it’s one of the first things you should be changing which will bring quick wins.

Improving low-ranking pages

There’s also quick wins to be had in improving your lowest ranking pages. With Google Analytics, you can see these pages and know which to optimise. Ways you can improve such pages include:

  • updating the comment so it’s fresher or timeless.
  • add new information that’s come to light.
  • add links to the copy that go to other parts of your website, growing the web of connected pages within your site.