What is one of the first things you do when you arrive at a new website? Many people look for, and use,an internal search box. This is because we have gotten used to using search as a way of finding things that it has almost become second nature.

Did you know that the visitors who used the search function on a website are more likely to convert? This is because these people know what they want.

Websites with an internal search facility will convert more frequently than those without, because people are able to find precisely what they are looking for in a way they understand. Many people organise categories in their mind differently, and it is hard (depending on the complexity of your product or service) to organise your menus so that they are both simple and navigable for everyone.

This is where internal search helps. Someone arrives at your website, usually with a good idea of what they want, and if they can’t immediately see a way to get to it, it is easy for them to leave – the bet is that one of your competitors will make it easier for them.

For even higher conversions, try making more use of your internal search by correcting common spelling mistakes and associating ‘natural’ language with products with technical names – think of the words consumers might use to describe your offerings.

… and how do you find out these common spelling mistakes and natural language terms? test, of course!

The key to website conversions is to make it as easy as possible for a visitor to find what they are looking for.