Does your website have a blog? Do you update it regularly (at least once a week) and with a range of articles on different topics?

If you think your blog could do with some improvement, or don’t fully understand how blogging fits into an overall digital marketing strategy, read on.

Boost traffic

Companies that blog have 55 per cent more visitors, and generate up to 88 per cent more leads per month than those who don’t (HubSpot). Right off the bat, you can see that in raw numbers blogging gives businesses an advantage.

The reason this works is because every time you create a blog, it’s a separate web page. It’s another little piece of digital property you own, and can add to your business’ territory on the map of the internet, which makes it more likely people will find your website when searching online.

This is especially powerful when your blog is optimised for on- and off-page SEO to help you get found online.

Drive engagement

Making a first sale to a customer or client is good. But the lifeblood of any business is repeat customers, and you want to give them as many reasons as possible to return to your company again and again.

Constantly offering new content for visitors to read is just another way to bring people back to your site. What’s more, it offers opportunities to engage with them – inviting their comments and feedback on what you’ve posted and getting an idea of what they want from you.

A blog is also a great thing to promote on social media, allowing you to tap into new conversations and audiences there and drive even more traffic to your site from places like Facebook.

Inform and entertain

Blogging also positions your business as an authority within your industry. Content helps your online presence and reputation when it is informed, useful for readers, and relevant to your readers.

When people have a question or want to buy from someone they can trust, they turn to a credible figure – something content marketing and blogging can position you as.