Running a successful digital marketing campaign requires detailed planning and seamless coordination between all your platforms. You’ll need to have a very clear and comprehensive plan which details the goals you hope to achieve with the campaign.

  1. First, a little bit of housekeeping is order, especially when you have call-to-actions leading to your website or social media pages. You want to not only make sure that all your content and business details and are up to date, and consistent across all platforms, but that they all look professional and are easy to navigate. First impressions are extremely important, so you need to put yourself into your potential client’s shoes to evaluate what does and doesn’t work on your website, or any other platforms and profiles you run.
  2. All campaigns involve an offer and can vary substantially depending on what you hope to achieve with the campaign. The first and most straightforward of offers is the great content that your business already has available to any visit to your website. This offer is marketed at the widest demographic and is aimed at increasing traffic and brand awareness. The second type is offered to visitors in return for more exclusive content such as eBooks, tutorials etc., given in exchange for some basic information about the customer to help build your business’ customer profiles. These offers are used to capture leads. The final type of offer if given to those who just need that extra push before the purchase – these offers are generally free trials, future discounts and coupons or free meetings and consultations. These offers generate sales.
  3. Having formulated your offer, you will need to let the masses know about it. There are various ways you can go about this but one of the best things you can do is to create specific landing pages for your campaign so that your message is clear and uninterrupted. Supplement the offer with various calls-to-actions on your blog and social media profiles that link to your campaign landing page. You can also promote your campaign with and email newsletter to all your existing subscribers.
  4. Last of all, measure everything. By evaluating the ways that your campaign has driven traffic, leads and sales, you’ll be able to get a better understanding of your customers and how they behave. Use these numbers so you can see which strategies have been most effective.